Articles by CLAY Members
April 23, 2019, Julian Assele, Yale Daily News, "Abortion Isn't Mercy"
December 11, 2015, Dan Gordon, Yale Daily News, "A Consistent Pro-Life Ethic"
October 13, 2015, Evy Behling, Yale Daily News, "Fetal Rights Are Human Rights"
April 18, 2014, Courtney McEachon, Yale Daily News, "Justice for All?"
April 17, 2014, Matt Gerken, First Things, "Yale's Agony Over Social Justice"
April 16, 2014, Christian Hernandez and Courtney McEachon, YDN, "Stand behind CLAY"
June 24, 2013, John Aroutounian, First Things, "Abortion in Ireland"
January 31, 2013, Ryan Proctor, Yale Daily News, "Lifers for Choice"
November 10, 2011, John Aroutounian, Yale Daily News, "Standing Up for Personhood"
February 4, 2011, Eduardo Andino, Yale Daily News, "Marching for Life"
September 6, 2010, Steve Paquin, Yale Daily News, "Bad Politics, Bad Ethics"
April 7, 2010, Peter Johnston, Yale Daily News, "Continuing to Fight"
March 31, 2010, Isabel Marin, Yale Daily News, "A place at the Center"
February 11, 2010, Raja Pillai, YDN, "A different look at pregnancy"
January 22, 2010, Kevin Gallagher, YDN, "A moving message"
February 26, 2009, Peter Johnston, YDN, "Sex-selective abortion is sexist"
January 28, 2009, Kevin Gallagher, YDN "Hurt by the language of Faith"
April 18, 2008, Peter Johnston, YDN, "If autonomy justifies art, feminists ought not object"
October 3, 2007, Peter Johnston, YDN, "Contraceptive culture fosters irresponsibility"
April 12, 2007, Stephen Schmalhofer, YDN, "Popes, saints, church fathers all opposed abortion"
April 3, 2007, Peter Johnston, YDN, "Analogies can shed light on the abortion debate"
January 26, 2006, YDN, "The Dignity of a Gift"
March 28, 2005, Deborah Bedolla, YDN, "For Terri, how about living with dignity?"
March 21, 2005, Jacqueline Costrini, YDN, "Letting Schiavo starve isn't death with dignity"
September 19, 2003, Austin Broussard, YDN, "The value of good, honest talk"
Coverage of CLAY and the abortion discussion at Yale
April 25, 2019 "Rebuttal: Abortion Isn't Mercy" by Julian Assele"
February 4, 2019 "Yale Forces Its Students to Enroll in Insurance that Covers Abortion"
February 2, 2016 "Heated Debate at Yale: Victory for Women and Children!"
January 22, 2016 "New Haven 'March for Life' event draws crowd, prayers"
November 13, 2015 "The Road from Griswold"
October 30, 2015 "Choice in Crisis"
October 22, 2015 "Anyone can be pro-life: Yale students share powerful message with signs"
October 6, 2015 "The Pro-Life Movement is alive and growing in the Ivy League!"
October 5, 2015 "Abortion Is a Cultural Band-Aid--The Vita et Veritas Conference at Yale"
October 2, 2015 "Defending Choice"
September 29, 2015 "Yale Mothers Lack Daycare Options"
September 25, 2015 "The Right to Be Heard?"
September 25, 2015 "Baby Blues"
April 27, 2015 "CLAY Breaks the Mold"
March 31, 2015 "What If?"
January 21, 2015 "CLAY to participate in national pro-life march"
October 7, 2014 "Pro-choice group reemerges on campus"
September 22, 2014 "CLAY seeks to recast social justice"
September 22, 2014 "CLAY hosts second pro-life conference"
April 18, 2014 "Dwight Hall's Much-Needed Dialogue"
April 17, 2014 "CLAY denied Dwight Hall membership, funds"
April 16, 2014 "Pro-life group denied Dwight Hall membership"
April 15, 2014 "Vote No on CLAY"
October 21, 2013 "Yale Hosts First Pro-Life Conference"
October 18, 2013 "Vita et Veritas"
January 25, 2013 "Roe, reconsidered"
September 7, 2012 "Choosing Life, but without the Spark"
February 10, 2012 "Sex and Love at Yale: An Attempt at Dialogue"
January 23, 2012 "Yalies March for Life"
November 4, 2011 "Of persons and people"
September 29, 2011 "Pro-life philosopher tackles ethics"
September 3, 2010 "Federal Stem Cell Ruling Blocks Yale Scientists"
April 5, 2010 "CLAY made a bad choice"
April 2, 2010 "Choice at the Center"
February 12, 2010 "Slur Interferes with the next Civil Rights Movement"
January 25, 2010 "Pro-life group struggles to find place on liberal campus"
February 25, 2009 "Pregnancy at Yale: What's a Girl to Do if Contraception Fails?"
November 10, 2008 "Feminists can be pro-life"
April 21, 2008 "Abortion 'Art' Stirs Yale Campus
April 20, 2008 "Choose Life at Yale Responds to Abortion 'Art"
April 18, 2008 "Yale Senior's 'Abortion Art' Whips Up Debate, Protests"
April 18, 2008, "Reaction to Schvarts: Outrage, Shock, Disgust"
April 18, 2008, "Call Schvarts' Project Abhorrent, but Don't Silence It"
April 17, 2008, "For senior, abortion a medium for art, political discourse"
October 25, 2005 "CLAY Campaign Stirs Dissent"
October 9, 2005 "Human Rights for All"
April 14, 2005 "After Abortion"
January 25, 2005 "Within the Ivy League, a shift to the right on abortion?"
January 19, 2005 "Vigil honors legalized abortion"
November 11, 2004 "Abortions are still covered by plan, but rare"
October 22, 2004 "Candlelight Vigil Protests Abortion"
September 12, 2003 "Choose Life at Yale could set a foolish precedent"
September 10, 2003 "Group asks UHS for abortion rebate"